Monday, February 17, 2014

Become an Author on this blog

You are invited by become an author on this blog. It is easy!

Send me an email dan @ indicating that you'd like to be an author.

I'll have an email sent to you, Inviting you to respond.

You respond.

Bingo! You're an Author!

You are now able to POST information on the blog.

As an author you'll notice a link NEW POST in the upper right corner of your browser.

Click "NEW POST"

Enter a Title in the narrow Title Box.

Start typing your POST in the larger POST Box.

You'll see a PREVIEW BUTTON you can click anytime to see how your POST will look.

When you are ready to Go Live, hit the orange PUBLISH BUTTON

To edit your post you'll see small symbol of a wrench in the lower right corner of the POST. Click on the WRENCH ICON and start editing. Again you can PREVIEW your work. When ready, hit the orange PUBLISH BUTTON again.

When you ready to get fancy, use the icons across the top of the POST BOX. To learn what each icon does, hover your mouse arrow over each one. To add a photo, set you mouse's insertion point where you want the photos and click on the PHOTO IMAGE ICON. Follow the navigation to your hard drive to upload your photo.

To activate a link, choose the text you want to link, select the Link icon, type in URL. It's linked.

Notice the 5 links on right column = Labels, Schedule, etc. Use LABELS to add KEYWORDS to you POST. SCHEDULE sets the time the POST is made. You can use SCHEDULE/PUBLISHED ON to change the date/time to change the sequence in which the POSTS appear. Use LOCATION if it is relevant to the POST. SEARCH DESCRIPTION is a short description to make the POST discoverable by search engines. BLOGGER, where this blog is hosted, is owned by GOOGLE.

Remember to hit the DONE button, when you add info and update info.

Remember to hit PUBLISH when ever you upload and update POSTS.

Couldn't be easier.

Dan Youra

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